Akshay Kumar recently posted a photo on his Instagram account where he is seen taking a selfie. The actor is on the Marine Lines, posing with his iPhone as he takes a selfie.
Akshay wore a golden jacket with blue jeans. He also wore a shed, which heightened his look. Akshay is holding his iPhone in one hand as he takes a selfie and points at the camera with the other hand for the pose. While his photographer clicks Akshay as he takes a selfie,
Akshay wrote, "Kick-starting my day with a # Selfiee! Because why not? "As the caption of the post.
If you are wondering why Akshay is posing for "Selfiee", we have an answer for that. Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi are currently working together on the Bollywood remake of the Malayalam film Driving Licence (2019).
The film is titled Selfiee. Karan Johar is producing the film under his banner, Dharma Productions. The film is currently in the shooting phase.
About the plot of the film, a source said, "The plot of Driving Licence follows the story of a cop and a superstar. The cop is a fan of the star, but the two end up at loggerheads when the star denies taking a picture with the cop and his family. Given that a photograph forms the main crux of the story, Selfiee is the perfect title for the comic drama.”