Runway 34, directed by Ajay Devgn and starring himself, Amitabh Bachchan, Rakul Preet Singh, and Boman Irani, will be released on April 29, 2022. Following the third wave of the pandemic, we saw filmmakers change the release dates of their films to accommodate film releases that had been delayed by the third wave. However, Ajay Devgn has confirmed that his film will be released on Eid and there will be no change in that.
According to a media portal, “Ajay Devgn is committed to bringing Runway 34 on Eid. He has shot the film over the last year and a half keeping this slot in mind and the work on edit is on the verge of being locked in a fortnight. The trailer edit work has also started, so there is going to be absolutely no delay in Runway 34.”
At the box office, Runway 34 will compete with Tiger Shroff's Heropanti 2.
Runway 34 is a film based on true events, and Ajay and Rakul will play pilots in the film. The film is co-produced by Kumar Mangat, Vikrant Sharma, Hasnain Husaini, Jay Kanujia, Sandeep Kewlani, and Tarlok Singh, and is produced by Ajay Devgn under his production Ajay Devgn Films.