Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan have often opted to keep their daughter away from the paparazzi and all the limelight. But the youngest Bachchan somehow always grabs the attraction with her talent at such a young age and the internet is already loving her. Recently A video of Aaradhya, reciting a Hindi speech has made rounds on the Internet and it’s her fluent Hindi speaking skills that grabbed all the attention. The 10-year-old is winning hearts on social media for her brilliant Hindi speaking skills.
Aaradhya can be seen wearing a school uniform and speaking in Hindi, in the video. She said, “If somebody wishes to learn a language, he/she must do it via poetry.” The video received a huge amount of love as it went viral on the internet. Abhishek Bachchan being the proud parent expressed his gratitude towards his daughter’s video and tweeted a folded hand emoticon. Netizens also commented on the video. A user wrote, “The legacy continues.” Another user commented, “BACHCHAN DNA….Rockssss. Sharp & Clear pronunciation.”
After such a longggg time???? Seeing this Princess ???? Can't tell how beautiful she is lookin' in this beautiful two cute ponytails ???? Aaradhya Bachchan at her school's Hindi Elocution Competition 2021-22 ❤️
— Aaradhya Rai Bachchan Official ARB ( WeLoveAaradhyaB) March 13, 2022
VC: DaisMumbai Thank you very muchhh for sharing ???????? #AaradhyaBachchan pic.twitter.com/izfvCLxlxD
On the work front, Abhishek will be next seen in the movie ‘Dasvi’ wherein he is playing the character of Ganga Ram Chaudhary who is in jail and decided to give 10th board exams from inside the prison. While Aishwarya has unveiled her first look from Ponniyin Selvan: I and her fans are excited to see her on the silver screen again.