On Monday, March 14, Bollywood's Mr Perfectionist, Aamir Khan, got a year older and wiser. Aamir Khan celebrated his 57th birthday in Mumbai in front of the media. His birthday festivities were held at Taj Land Ends in Bandra, where he not only cut a cake but also had an informal meeting with the media, particularly photographers who frequently shoot him in different parts of the city.
In a series of pictures that surfaced on the Internet, the PK actor is seen shaking hands with the photographers first, then slicing his big chocolate cake in front of everyone to commemorate his special day. The superstar even handed cake to the reporters and fans who surrounded him at the event. The actor is seen dressed in a light blue pair of pants and a white t-shirt with a peach t-shirt. Dark brown shoes and black-colored spectacles completed his ensemble.
Aamir then went on to speak to the media about his forthcoming project after Laal Singh Chaddha. Aamir also disclosed that he is in discussions for a Bollywood remake of the Spanish film Campeones (2018) during the interview. Aamir and filmmaker RS Prasanna are reportedly exploring adapting the Spanish narrative, as reported by Pinkvilla.
Aamir Khan made his acting debut in the 1988 film, Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak opposite Juhi Chawla. The film's immediate success helped Aamir Khan gain recognition among Indian audiences. His status in the industry was cemented with this picture. He then went on to star in a number of blockbusters like Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander (1992), Raja Hindustani (1996), Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001) Dil Chahta Hai (2001), Taare Zameen Par (2007), 3 Idiots (2009) and many more and due to his experimental acting skills, he was labelled as the ‘Perfectionist of Bollywood.’ He will be next seen in Laal Singh Chaddha alongside Kareena Kapoor.